
8 Techniques to Use the Video Editing Tool to Grow Your Brand

The human mind is visual and prefers videos to textual content. Brands realized this and began to leverage video to connect with their target audience. 86% of video marketers use video to increase their web traffic. With the global success of video marketing campaigns, it is expected that in the coming days, more brands will participate in the digital revolution.

In such a situation, the mere creation of digital video content will not be enough. You need to go the extra mile and plan your video strategy. In this article, we will explore 8 techniques to use video editing tools and grow your business.

Start a video blog

There has been a steady increase in the popularity of video content. In 2020 alone, people spent on average 120% more time watching videos compared to the previous year. Search engines have recognized this preference and rank content with video higher than those who do not. In such a situation, video blogs are the best way to get brand visibility in the digital world.

When you create a video blog, you can condense more information in a short period of time. In recent days, there has been a decrease in the attention span of the average Internet user. In such a situation, using the video will make it easier for you to get the message across to the target audience.

Nowadays, InVideo and other video editors allow the automatic conversion of articles to videos. This way, you can embed video blogs in your articles and expect better user engagement.

Create screen streaming videos

As a brand, you can record your computer screen and create a video with narration or music. Training videos, tutorials, setup videos, and customer support videos can be prepared in this way. To get the most out of this, identify a video editing tool with a built-in screen recording feature. SaaS and other digital companies can benefit from this form of content.

The advantage of such screen sharing videos is the fact that they relieve the work of your customer support team. 96% of potential customers like to watch explainer videos about the products they intend to buy. The explainer videos give them a better picture of the tool and its features. This way, your brand pushes a potential customer further into the sales funnel.

Videos of curate testimonials

If your brand is struggling to gain the trust of potential customers, you may want to consider taking advantage of testimonial videos. Here you contact satisfied customers and ask for short video clips where they talk about their experience with your brand. Use a video editing tool to organize and edit this content in a video.

Such videos go a long way to convince potential customers about the usefulness of your products or the effectiveness of your service. In addition, there is a minimal investment involved in the preparation of such content. This makes it a perfect choice for businesses with a tight marketing budget.

Slideshow videos

Slideshow videos are a great way for brands to promote their product and explain their usefulness. Most video editing tools allow you to add voiceovers, music, filters, and captions to the slideshow content. These help to give the viewer context and help them interact with the video. Many editing tools come with predefined templates to help with graphic design.

As a brand, you can create a slideshow video from photos taken during a team outing, corporate event, or CSR initiative. In this way, you portray a human side of your brand and encourage viewers to relate to your brand on a personal level.

Create demo videos

If you launch an innovative product, there is a good chance that the target audience will not realize the need for such a product. Demo videos help reduce consumer skepticism by establishing that you’re not making an empty pitch. Demo videos give potential customers a holistic picture of the things that lie ahead.

This low-pressure approach doesn’t have the tone of an insistent sales pitch. This makes the viewer more receptive to your marketing content. In addition, demo videos have a greater reach compared to in-person sales representatives. With the demo videos, you can expect your business to overcome risks such as pandemic-induced social distancing, commissions, travel and accommodation expenses for sales reps’ trips, and more. This way, it is easier for small businesses to expand their reach globally.

Embed videos in product landing pages

Videos generate better engagement and encourage your viewers to spend a lot of time on your website. When you add a video to a landing page on your website, you can expect an 86% improvement in conversions. Videos give you a lot of creative freedom in expressing your brand to the public. For example, you can design your product pages to have videos of your articles in use.

You can include fun behind-the-scenes video clips in the “About Us” section of your website. Similarly, when you launch a new collection, you can create a video of the same and publish it to your home page. This way, your collection will get maximum visibility and you can expect an increase in sales.

Create lightweight content

If you intend to share your videos on social media, you can’t ignore the lightweight content. Listicle videos and memes are among the most shared forms of digital content. If you can create meme videos focused on your product, your customers will relate to them.

People who relate to the meme will develop a sense of camaraderie, and you can create a sense of community around your business. This will earn you loyal customers and result in higher sales.

Add videos in email marketing

As a brand that is in digital marketing, you may already have an active email list. You can increase the open rates of your promotional content by integrating video as part of your email marketing initiatives. Studies show that having a video gives a 300% boost to the click-through rate of emails.

Some of the latest email marketing tools generate a workflow based on customer views. When you use these tools, you can filter customers based on the type of content they want to see. For example, when a prospect watches 80% of a demo video, you can show them similar tracking content. Such a targeted approach achieves better marketing results compared to a traditional omnichannel approach.

All of the above techniques will help you take advantage of video editing tools to your business advantage. It’s up to you to plan your video strategy and use the techniques to develop your brand. Indeed, the sky is the limit for brands that want to explore video marketing.