Liposuction is a common cosmetic surgery. Every year, millions of Americans chose to undergo it voluntarily. Liposuction is cosmetic surgery, and like all medical procedures, it has risks, mainly when done by a doctor who has little experience.
A failed Liposuction may cause blood clots, fat embolisms, or even nerve damage. A patient may experience permanent injury or even death if these complications and risks are not handled quickly and properly. If you have been a victim to the mishap due to a liposuction lawyer can help you understand your rights and assist you in filing a claim for negligent Liposuction.
Many plastic surgeons are profit-driven and refuse to alert clients about the dangers associated with the procedure. In other cases, the highly competitive liposuction and cosmetic surgery industry has compelled plastic surgeons to lower their prices to attract new patients. This cost-cutting has also reduced the standards needed for a safe service.
Why is Liposuction Surgery Dangerous?
Many physicians who market themselves as liposuction specialists are untrained in operation and aren’t even plastic surgeons. Some people open spa-like businesses to sell “Smart Lipo,” a treatment that includes melting fat with lasers before suctioning it out.
Owing to a lack of experience, some of these physicians perform Liposuction on patients who would not usually be considered candidates for the operation due to their age or other health concerns. Furthermore, some physicians conduct Liposuction in their offices rather than in hospitals, putting patients at risk if anything goes wrong, and they need emergency care.
Anesthesia errors, infection, internal punctures, the lack of a crash cart, and a lack of meaningful monitoring devices for vital signs are factors leading to liposuction injuries.
How to Know If a Liposuction Has Gone Wrong?
Negligent Liposuction usually leads to some problems:
- Deformed body shape or contour
- A hematoma is a form of bleeding that occurs under the skin.
- Numbness or nerve damage or varicose vein inflammation (thrombophlebitis)
- Bumpy or Asymmetric Skin
- Blood Poisoning and scarring
- If an internal organ is punctured
- Accumulation of fluid in the lungs called pulmonary edema
Although not all liposuctions are hazardous, it is vital to work with a trained physician. If you believe that you have had an improperlyperformed liposuction, a lawyercan be of great assistance in your case.
What Are Your Options After Going Through Neglected Liposuction?
Liposuction Medical Malpractice
In a medical malpractice case, the patient can allege that a doctor, cosmetic surgeon, or physician, failed to perform their duties professionally. In other words, the physician’s level of treatment was below the standard level of care needed by the patient. This is usually a case of neglect.
Duty, breach, causation, and damages are all elements of a negligence lawsuit. A healthcare provider or plastic surgeon has the responsibility to administer Liposuction safely, and failure to satisfy this criterion leads to dismissal.
Wrongful Death Due to Liposuction
In the tragic event that a loved one has died due to a liposuction accident, one can file a wrongful death claim on their behalf. Wrongful death cases are filed on behalf of the dead person’s heirs. This form of claim effectively helps the deceased’s family to seek compensation for their losses.
Some family members are allowed to file wrongful death claims for liposuction errors. Husbands, wives, children, and, in some cases, parents and siblings come under the list of heirs permitted to file this claim. Make sure you consult it in detail with your attorney to fully understand who is allowed to file a case.
In most wrongful death lawsuits, you are allowed to seek damages for lost wages and services. The deceased party’s economic earning ability determines this amount. When putting a dollar value on such cases, courts will factor in potential profits and lack of services.
Final Thought
While Liposuction is not necessarily risky, you should be conscious of the risks. If you’re having problems after surgery, make sure to talk with your doctor to determine if you have any proleptic symptoms.