
5 Steps to Take If You’re Feeling Down and Out in Your Marriage Life

Everyone goes into marriage with the same thought–it’s a place of flowers, roses, and bliss. At first, everything may seem perfect. With both of you doing the right things, and it looks like you’ve made the perfect decision tying the knot with that person until things start to get rocky.

You start to see the not-so-attractive side of your partner, and it seems like you can’t take it anymore because that wasn’t what you bargained for?

Well, that’s marriage. It’s a union between both of you to weather whatever storm you’re facing, together. If things have become unbearable, here are five steps to take when things aren’t going so well.

Get to Know Each Other Again

Many times, you need to step back and think about why you fell for that person in the first place. What were those qualities that attracted you to your partner?

Beyond that, marriage is a process of learning about each other. While both of you were dating, you used that period to learn about each other. You then got married, and it seemed like you knew everything about your partner, but that is far from the truth. 

We change every day, so learning about your spouse every day, keeps things fresh and renews the love both of you share. Try to make time for your spouse to communicate and spend time with him/her.

Be Tender With Your Partner

At times in marriage, everything your partner does will irritate you, making you critical about every one of their actions. You should always strive to treat your partner with love, no matter the situation.

The fact that both of you fought doesn’t mean you should stop doing your partner’s laundry or folding your partner’s clothes. These things may seem impossible to do now, but doing so makes your partner see that you love them, despite anything that might happen—thus keeping the bond healthy.

Resist Dishing Out Blames 

When things get shaky in a relationship, it’s common to start blaming your partner for the state of things, but that’s wrong because relationships consist of two people. And one person isn’t always the reason for the failure of your relationship.

It will help if you communicate with your partner without being critical. Both of you have to work together to find a situation rather than playing the blame game, because it will lead to one partner being defensive, and making matters worse.

Make an effort always to give compliments and be grateful for the good your partner does.

Forgive Your Partner

Your partner will always do and say things that will offend you, and instead of retaliating, you should forgive. A home where there’s no forgiveness is an unhappy one. 

When you hold on to grudges, it breeds lots of resentment between both of you–which will cause both of you to drift further apart.

Seek Couples Therapy

Sometimes, you have to hire an expert to hear both of you out and analyze your situation. Marriage counseling is beneficial when things get shaky because it helps healthily work through unresolved issues.

An Affair Of The Heart is organizing an Intensive 5-day Marriage Counselling Retreat that has helped several couples scale through their marital problems.

In the retreat, couples will learn different skills to communicate and build a stronger relationship with their spouse, increase intimacy, and positively overcome problems together.

Are you interested in revitalizing the love you once shared with your spouse?

Start here An Affair Of The Heart