Norilsk Nickel’s sulphur project: the best way to stop sulphur dioxide emissions
Norilsk Nickel actively combats sulphur dioxide emissions in the regions of its operations by implementing diverse projects devoted to environmental protection.
The company has been working on the Sulphur project for a long time as it understands the importance of eliminating industrial production consequences and reducing SO2 emissions.
Due to the measures taken by Nornickel, Norilsk level of sulphur dioxide emissions has decreased so far. This article will overview the main Norilsk Nickel’s activities and show how the right policy can protect the environment both locally and globally.
The Sulphur Project. How Norilsk Nickel Fights Against Sulphur Dioxide Emissions in the Regions of Its Operations
It is widely known that SO2 emissions are very dangerous not only for nature but also for people’s health as they have a bad impact on the human body.
This colorless gas with a strong odor is usually formed from fossil fuel combustion and the activity of volcanoes. They can affect all people but sulphur dioxide emissions are especially harmful to sensitive groups of people specifically for pregnant, kids, older people and those who suffer from respiratory or heart diseases.
Such gases bring harm to different organs as:
- nose
- throat
- lungs
- skin
and may cause:
- asthma
- breathing difficulties
- chronic bronchitis
- problems with the heart
So, it is obvious that the reduction of sulphur dioxide emissions is a priority number one not only in Norilsk but also worldwide.
Norilsk Nickel has been working on the Sulphur project for several years and it has already resulted in:
- Talnakh concentrator and Nadezhda Plant expansion and upgrade
- Shutdown of Nickel Plant
- total reduction of SO2 emission in the Norilsk residential area by 30%
- total reduction of SO2 emissions in the Polar Division by 15% in general
- elimination of 600 sources of air pollution
- two wastewater discharge points shutdown
However, the company is not planning to stop and will continue working on this project in the future. Recently, Norilsk Nickel has announced that it will invest about $3.5BN into the Sulphur project.
It is planned that by 2023:
- 1.5–1.7 mtpa of sulphur dioxide will be captured
- 280 ktpa of elemental sulphur and 5 mtpa of gypsum will be converted
Moreover, Norilsk Nickel does not only work on the Sulphur project but also shares the experience with others.
The Sulphur Project Showroom. Norilsk Combats Sulphur Dioxide Emissions and Shares the Results
Recently, the members of the Federal Council delegation have visited Norilsk and the showroom devoted to the Sulphur project. The guests learned how Norilsk Nickel combats sulphur dioxide emissions in the regions of its operations and checked what measures have already been taken.
The senators were able to explore the showroom, look at the architectural models of future facilities as well as learn more about chemical and physical production processes.
It was stated that the Sulphur project is unique in its nature and it is actually the huge part of the «Clear Air» project. It is estimated that this project will help to protect air by clearing it by 40% by 2023 and by 90% by 2025. The cost of the project should be about RUB250BN and even the pandemic did not stop the works.
The leader of the Norilsk division has mentioned that Norilsk Nickel has been successfully working on this project for 2 years and every step has been completed according to the schedule. In addition, it was mentioned that a special residential complex for 1000 people is built for those who are involved in the project. It has all the necessary facilities and engineering networks.
As Aleksey Mayorov mentioned, the Sulphur project plays a huge role not only for Norilsk but for Russia in general. Norilsk Nickel pays attention to environmental protection on all the levels and it reduces the level of Norilsk sulphur dioxide emissions with the use of modern technologies. The company plans to spend more than RUB200BN in order to convert sulphur into the plaster. Undoubtedly, it will also contribute to the improvement of the ecological situation in the Arctic region and will have a positive effect within the «Ecology» project that has been implemented in our country.
It was also mentioned that Norilsk Nickel does not only combat sulphur dioxide emissions but also takes care of other spheres and implements various drafts devoted to nature preservation.
Ecological Projects Norilsk Nickel Participates in and Future Goals of the Industrial Giant
Despite the difficulties Norilsk Nickel faced recently due to a massive fuel spill that happened because of the melting permafrost and all the changes Nornickel has undergone due to the pandemic, it still pays attention to ecological issues and continues participating in diverse projects devoted to environmental protection.
The Sulphur project is the main one Nornickel is involved in. However, it also takes part in the project led in cooperation with BASF in Finland, the Great Norilsk expedition as well as in various local activities devoted to waste management, biodiversity conservation, and investigation of climate change issues.
The project held in Finland will help to:
- supply the battery market
- reduce a carbon footprint.
The expedition in Norilsk is also the key project that will have a huge impact on the region’s environment as it will help to understand the present condition of flora and fauna, investigate the recent changes there and let scientists provide recommendations on how to continue sustainable development of the region by implementing environmentally-friendly drafts and policies.
Norilsk Nickel plans to continue combating sulphur dioxide emissions and will surely spend more time and money in order to protect the Norilsk environment on various levels.
All in all, ecological issues are discussed worldwide nowadays. It is important to protect all spheres and Norilsk Nickel does its utmost to preserve nature. It has been working on the Sulphur project that has already helped to reduce sulphur dioxide emissions level in Norilsk.
Nornickel states that it has already set new ecological goals and is ready to implement more projects devoted to nature protection.