
Is ISA a good investment?

individual savings account(ISA)

If you’re just entering the world of investing in stocks, opting for a stocks and shares ISA account may be a good idea.

An ISA (Individual Saving Account) is a tax-efficient way of managing your investments and making your money work even harder. Whatever you earn, as long as it is within the yearly allowance, you are not obliged to pay capital gains taxes on it.

In a few words, ISA investments are indeed a great way of maximizing your income (up to £20,000 in earnings are tax-free), but an ISA account is also a perfect option for those looking into simplifying their life, since completing a tax report is not necessary.

ISA investments step by step

If you’re wondering, what assets can you use an ISA account for, it goes beyond stocks and shares: it can be used for trading ETFs, bonds, and trusts too.

On every trade, especially if you are earning money, you need to remember you’ll be paying taxes. The particular tax that applies to earnings in market investments is called Capital Gains Tax (CGT) and it will most definitely have an impact on your yearly returns. However, we must not forget about Income tax and Dividend Income tax.

How to minimize the effect of taxation and maximize your earnings? ISAs are the answer.

There is a cap on how much you can keep in an ISA account, and while rules and benefits may change in the future, as of right now, you can put £20,000 into your ISA account and not have to pay taxes on it.

For some, it may not sound as much. However, do keep in mind that if investing with a normal account, anything on top of £12,300 (as calculated for the current year), would be taxed anywhere between 10 and 20%.

If you have £18,000 on earnings, with a normal account, you would be paying taxes on the almost £6,000 over the CGT cap. It could be anywhere between £600 to £1200. With an ISA account, this amount, the £18,000, is not taxable, and therefore it’s all your earnings. I’m sure that is a pretty clear example of the benefits of an ISA account and why ISA is a good investment.

A few aspects of ISA investments to keep in mind

It is important to mention a few aspects that users should be aware of when dealing with an ISA account.

ISA account holders should know that tax rules and regulations may change year after year, and while right now an ISA account is a more than valid way of maximizing your profit, it may not be so forever.

Another aspect to consider is that the cap is £20,000 this year. If you do not reach the maximum, you cannot carry the remainder to the following tax year.

Among the disadvantages of ISAs, it is worth mentioning the fact that because stocks and shares are volatile assets and therefore considered high risk, meaning that investments may prove hugely beneficial but also a market crash can result in serious losses.

Withdrawing from an ISA account takes a bit of extra time (the investment must be sold first and then turned into cash), meaning that is not money that you have readily available in case of an emergency.

Conclusion on ISA investments

ISAs can be a perfect solution for those investors looking into long-term options to maximize their returns. While this type of account is not immune to market crashes and the normal volatility of assets, it is historically proven that the market has a tendency to move upwards and, in the years, it will definitely beat inflation.

For short-term investors and traders looking to invest a much higher influx of money, an ISA account may not be the right fit, and they may find other tax-efficient options to manage their investments.