Using outdoor lighting indoors may sound like a good idea, but it can be dangerous. When you connect an outdoor light to an indoor circuit, it can be very dangerous and can even lead to an electrical fire.
There are dozens of fixtures designed specifically for outdoor use, but many of these may not work properly inside your home. In addition, many indoor lighting fixtures do not have waterproofing features, and therefore, are not as durable as outdoor lighting.
The best way to tell whether a light is good for outside or inside is to check its UL rating. Many bulbs and fixtures are marked with this rating, which indicates that they are safe for outdoor use. However, there are also many bulbs and fixtures that are designed for indoor use that should be used only inside your home.
The main difference between indoor and outdoor lighting is the electrical structure. Indoor lights are usually wired into a dedicated lighting circuit. Outdoor lights are typically hooked up to a 12 volt source, and may not have a transformer. In addition, outdoor lighting is prone to damage when it gets wet, such as rain or snow. Consequently, it’s important to make sure that your outdoor lighting is weather resistant.
The most common type of outdoor light is a halogen. Halogens are heavy glass bulbs that can tolerate thermal shock from rain water. These types of bulbs are not likely to work inside your home, but may work better in extreme cold.
Another type of light is the LED. LEDs are often used in task lighting, such as under cabinet lighting. LEDs are not rated for standard voltage, and may not be suitable for use in your home. However, LEDs can be found that are designed to work underwater, which can enhance water features such as fountains.
Aside from LEDs, there are also several types of light bulbs that are weather resistant. Some are designed to work in both indoor and outdoor settings, and are rated for cold weather. However, these bulbs are typically more expensive than the standard bulb.
While indoor lights are generally rated for standard voltage, the best type of bulb to use outdoors is the cold-cathode CFL. These types of bulbs are designed to withstand the cold, and they may even work better in cold weather. In addition to cold weather, CFL bulbs may also start to flicker in extreme cold.
However, lightscapes lighting experts mentioned there are a few indoor lights that are designed to be used both indoors and outdoors. For example, the LED under cabinet lighting is a small LED light that casts a bright light on prep work.
The most important thing to remember when using outdoor lighting indoors is to make sure that the lighting system is weather resistant. This means that the lights must be able to withstand the elements, including rain, snow, and high-speed winds. Additionally, the lighting system should be able to accommodate your needs, including a UL listing.