Are you a class 11 science student? If so, you should know the importance of proper study materials for each subject. You indeed need to plan well for your studies, but choosing the right study material is equally important. This is because good study materials provide the right direction for your preparation by providing you with everything you need to achieve good grades in your class 11 science examinations.
Class 11 is a particularly important stage in any science student’s career. It is in your 11th standard that you build the base for your class 12 board examination as well as entrance examinations like NEET and JEE. The concepts you learn in your class 11 will also be needed for your board and entrance examinations. It goes without saying that if you don’t have a proper grasp of concepts in class 11, you are likely to face difficulties with the topics taught in class 12.
With the right approach towards the preparation and the use of good study materials like Vedantu ncert maths book class 11 solutions pdf, you will be able to gain the required knowledge and learn what’s necessary to score good marks in your examinations. With the help of proper study materials, you get a better understanding of each chapter. Not only that, but study materials also come with questions that are commonly asked in exams. By practicing these questions, you are better equipped at answering the question papers in a timely and effective matter.
Apart from your 11th exams and 12th board exams, these study materials are also useful with the preparation for engineering and medical examinations. Top study materials and prepared and designed considering board as well as entrance exams like JEE Main, JEE Advanced, NEET, etc.
Factors to consider while choosing study materials for class 11 science subjects
Before you buy study materials to prepare for your class 11 examinations, you must consider the following factors:
- Before you buy any study material, make sure you take a look at the syllabus of each subject. You must buy books that cover your entire syllabus. The book should also follow the latest pattern of board examinations.
- Avoid buying too many books for a single subject. Doing so will cause more confusion than help you. Eventually, it will end up being a waste of money. You should rather conduct your research and buy get a book that would be sufficient for your exam requirements.
- The study materials you choose should have clear diagrams with concise explanations so it is easier for you to understand. It won’t be of too much help to you if it overcomplicates the concept instead of explaining it simply and practically.
- Regardless of the subject that the study material covers, it is important that it explains the concept in a way that is easy to understand. This will be particularly helpful for students who learn about a concept for the first time through their study materials. Concepts should have a proper explanation for everyone to understand easily.
- Each topic or chapter covered in the study material must come with a set of solved as well as unsolved questions for you to practice and get an idea of the kind of questions you might face in your exam.
How to make the best use of your study materials
It won’t take you much time to realize that the Physics, Maths, Biology, and Chemistry you need to learn in your class 11 is much different and more complex than what you have previously studied till class 10. There is a huge difference in the level of difficulty. Class 11 science syllabus consists of new topics, chapters, and concepts. Not only that, each concept is covered in a much more detailed manner. So, if you want to score well in your class 11 science examinations, you need to have in-depth knowledge of each subject. You need to be better with the theories, visualizations, and formulas for each science subject. Furthermore, in class 11, you will no longer be asked direct questions. Without a good grasp of the concepts, it is difficult for you to answer the questions. So, you need to keep these things in mind while preparing for your exams.
There are certain principles and theories in Physics that are central to everything else and upon which other concepts are based. You need to be seriously focused to understand these central theories. You should be willing to learn concepts and implement them for solving problems.
- Go through your Physics study material thoroughly and understand each topic without skipping any concept
- With Physics, you need to visualize the different processes, mechanisms, and experiments.
- Make sure you note down the necessary points for each topic separately, including definitions, formulas, descriptions, equations, diagrams, etc.
- Solve the practice questions for each chapter. Make a note of the difficult questions to practice or revise them later.
Class 11 Chemistry Syllabus consists of 3 parts: Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, and Physical Chemistry. Students usually find Inorganic and Physical Chemistry to be relatively easier than Organic Chemistry.
- Refer to your study materials to understand the necessary topic, concept, mechanism, reaction, process, etc.
- Note down the formulas, reactions, and equations as you study because you need to remember them
- Keep practicing the equations and reactions regularly to avoid forgetting them
- Go through the example problems to learn how to solve problems and keep revising them regularly.
The importance of Maths cannot be emphasized enough for science students. You will need to remember a lot of formulas, but you should also understand the concept behind these formulas to be able to use them for solving math problems.
- Note down all the formulas for each chapter mentioned in your study material
- Practice the derivations of formulas
- See the solved problems for each chapter before trying to solve questions on your own.
- Keep practicing the problems on regular basis. With more practice, you will get better at math.