
Avoid These Mistakes While Preparing for Class 8 Maths Olympiad

Mathematics has long been one of the most difficult topics for students to master in school. The difficult issues need rapid and precise computations. If you make one basic, trivial error, you can only hope that the examiner will give you a few bonus points for the steps. Pre-exam anxiety may get on our nerves and cause us to make mistakes we would never do otherwise.

The following are some frequent blunders that students should avoid:

  • Exam anxiety

Do you have a lot of anxiety over the paper before it starts, and your heart begins to beat faster? This is the worst thing that may happen during a test since it raises the possibility of making mistakes. Make an effort to relax. Clarify any questions you have about each class, plan ahead of time to minimize fear, get plenty of rest at night, and be confident. It will help you relax throughout the exam and improve your results.

  • Failure To Read the Paper At Least Once

After scanning your question paper, begin your paper. The sections in the Olympiad are given varying weights. Each question in the Achiever Section is worth 2 or 3 points. First, try to answer those questions. However, do not devote any more time to a single question. Always attempt to split your time according to the marks you are working on, and always wear a watch to keep track of your time.

  • Leaving a question unanswered

Negative marking is not used in most Junior Olympiads. As a result, even if you just have a few minutes to answer, do not leave any questions unanswered.

  • Challenge to Take OMR-Based Exams

Many participants are unprepared to take OMR-based exams at the school level. They wrote their responses on question sheets instead of using OMR. Give yourself plenty of opportunities to practice taking an OMR-based MCQ exam.

  • Forgetting To Note Your Name & Personal Information

Because they begin writing answers as soon as they receive the exam question paper, many students neglect to enter their personal information on the exam sheets. Forgetting to write your information on the exam sheet might result in a zero on your score sheet. As a result, always write down your details before beginning the exam, and then begin the exam.

Here are some suggestions for avoiding these in the future:

  1. Stick to a strategic plan

To assist students, textbooks always include a few instances in each chapter. There are also sample papers like Class 8 IMO Question Paper 2013 for reference. They are there to not only instruct you on how to answer a question but also to provide you with a general framework to follow while answering questions. These examples are particularly useful since they answer queries step by step while simultaneously illustrating what is being done. Similarly, each student should follow a methodical process for answering questions and apply that pattern to each task. It eliminates any ambiguity and the possibility of mugging.

  1. Calculate your answers on paper

Students frequently make calculations in their heads just to save time, which is the leading source of foolish mistakes. It is recommended that you have a pencil with you at all times so that you may conduct your calculations on paper. This allows you to double-check your figures and reduces the risks of making mistakes. It is preferable to be cautious when solving the problem than to discover your error after you have completed it and waste time doing it all over again.

  1. Always read the question completely before answering it

We frequently come across problems that appear to be familiar to us, and we go right into solving them without giving the question a second thought. This is quite dangerous! It would be best if you always read each question attentively and mentally put everything together. Even with word problems, we prefer to disregard phrases that appear superfluous to us, but the thing about questions like that is that they always contain some crucial information that must be considered while answering. Do not get overconfident or sloppy since this might cost you the entire question, and it is a risk you should not accept.

  1. Over-complicated? Check it out once more.

Occasionally, when attempting to answer a question, we get to a stage that needs calculations that appear to be a little too difficult. We continue to use the right calculations, but the solution still does not appear to fit. 9 times out of 10, it is because you made a mistake in a prior phase; the error might be as simple as adding instead of subtracting, or a 5 being misunderstood for a 6. As a result, you should always solve the question slowly and attentively, going over each step.

  1. Graphs, while simple, may be challenging

Students frequently assume issues that involve graphing to be simple. However, this is not always the case. Graphs, too, need a high level of focus because it is so simple to make a mistake when solving them. The axes should always be accurately marked and labeled. It is also a good idea to highlight and specify the spots where you mark your replies. Another suggestion is to use your graph paper with caution, as pencil marks may quickly smear.

  1. You gain confidence via practice

The majority of blunders people make are due to a lack of confidence. Many times, we doubt our approaches due to stress and solve an issue incorrectly instead of employing the proper way we used previously. Math is one of the disciplines that demands a great deal of practice. Practicing different sorts of questions improves our speed and helps us comprehend the subject better, making us more confident and reducing our chances of making a mistake.

  1. Always double-check your responses

If you still have time at the conclusion of the paper, you should double-check all of your answers. Re-do the calculations and make sure you have not missed any steps. Wherever it is essential, provide the units in your replies. Many students overlook this step, but it is more crucial than it appears since it allows you to correct any mistakes you may have made and avoids unneeded regret and confusion later on.


Mathematics is a topic that is more complex than it is difficult. When taking an Olympiad test, one must always be sure and confident in oneself and keep the aforementioned ideas in mind to get excellent grades.