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Roofing Calculators: What Are They and How Are They Beneficial?

Roof installations tend to be complex and expensive projects. If you want your roof installation to go smoothly, you need a roofing square calculator. Contractors turn to these calculators to understand the expenses involved and provide accurate estimates to their clients.

Apart from helping contractors and their clients understand the expenses, roofing calculators offer the following benefits:

Costs of Various Roof Types

The roofing you need depends on the roof type you have. For instance, most buildings and homes across the United States have clapboard or shingle roofs. These roofs have several advantages to offer, such as:

On average, shingle roofs tend to last up to 20 – 30 years. These roofs feature three layers, which feature the underlayment at the very bottom, shingles in the middle, and synthetic rubber or roll roofing at the top.

Tile roofs are increasing in popularity even though they are not as popular as their shingle counterparts. These roofs offer more durability than shingle variants and most tile roofs can last 50 years. However, for tile support, an extra framework is necessary. This makes tile roofs expensive. They also require shingling every two decades.

Metal roofs are also becoming popular owing to their long lifespan (around 30 – 50 years). Reputed metal roofing companies such as Spokane’s Advance Roofing provide warranties on their products. Ease of installation and low maintenance are among the other prominent benefits of metal roofs.

Slate roofs are among the most uncommon roof types owing to their high installation and maintenance costs. Additionally, they require framing for providing support to slate tiles. Other uncommon roof types include wood shingles, concrete tiles, and rubber roofs.

Estimating Costs Using Roofing Calculators

Prior to using a roofing calculator, you should figure out your budget for your new roof installation. Start by taking the measurements of your roof. This would allow you to understand the number of materials and shingles necessary. For instance, for a roof measuring around 500 square feet, you would need around 1,000 shingle bundles (2 bundles for every square foot).

How much you would need to spend on the shingle bundles depends on your preferred shingle type. Asphalt shingle bundles are among the least expensive. However, if you are not afraid to splash the cash, you could opt for solar or copper shingles.

When using a roofing calculator, you need to keep an eye out for the following aspects:

Once you are done entering these details, sit back and let the calculator take care of the rest. Whatever result the calculator shows you are an estimate inclusive of installation and material costs.

How are Roofing Calculators Beneficial?

If you are wondering what benefits roofing calculators have to offer, go through the following pointers:

So, if you are on the lookout for a new roof installation, use a roofing calculator. It can go a long way towards helping you understand how much you would have to spend on installing a new roof along with the materials necessary for a successful installation. 


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